The reliance on Magic Eyes seems excessive in this demo. You get a drone friend to help scout people too. Your targets will have their own routines, and might travel all over the world over the span of a few days, so you can study them and take your sweet time if you want to do a real cool murder. As open-world FPSs will nowadays, it has a crafting system for weapons and gadgets, and your skills with specific weapons improves through practise. You sneak around a lot and shoot people, in short. It seems to offer a lot of guidance, but CI say the game lets folks ignore all the advice and do as they please.

It's wildly unrealistic, between the Magic Eyes and Magic Enemy Tagging and whatnot, but does still look to push caution and tactical awareness, which'll do for me. Ghost Warrior 3's plot is some questionable current affairs fanfic. You're an American sniper operating illegally inside Georgia as Russia have crossed into the country and enslaved Georgians to build a uranium enrichment plant for them in secret.