There were two categories which eventually became mainstays in speedruns across all games: Any%, where the runner was only required to complete the main objective of the level, and 100%, where the runner is required to defeat every monster on every level. Players were required to run through Doom 's levels as fast as possible in order to attain a spot on the constantly updated COMPET-N scoreboards. Its creator, Simon Widlake, intended the site to be a record scoreboard for a variety of Doom-related achievements, but unlike its predecessors, they all centered around one key idea: speed. In November 1994, Doom's speedrunning scene took off, in the form of the COMPET-N website. Pacifist-mode consisted of playing without intentionally harming any monsters. For example, playing with only the fists and pistol while killing all monsters on a map became known as Tyson mode, named after the heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson. At the height of its popularity, the DHT had many different categories and playing styles.

Doom II was released in October 1994, and the DHT conformed to the new additions as well as the new Doom version releases. These 'exams' became very popular as the player had to earn each title by sending in a demo of the feat to one of the site's judges to justify their application.

The DHT were designed around a notion of earning titles by successfully recording a particular type of demo on maps in the IWADs randomly selected from a pre-determined set determined by difficulty. This site would create the basis for all DOOM demo-sites that would follow. This site was, however, quickly obsoleted by the DOOM Honorific Titles, launched in May 1994 by Frank Stajano, which introduced the first serious competition between players. This particular feature was first picked up by Christina "Strunoph" Norman in January 1994 when she launched the LMP Hall of Fame website. Among some of its major features, like its then-exceptional graphics, LAN and Internet-based multiplayer support, and user modification possibilities, it also gave the players the ability to record demo files of their playthrough. The earliest documented speedruns were performed in the 1993 first-person shooter Doom. ( January 2021) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section. This section needs additional citations for verification.